Exeter Hospital Regional Health Center | Epping, NH

Ironwood provided landscape architectural services for a new Exeter Hospital outpatient facility on a major commercial corridor in Epping. The sites’ rural context required thoughtful low impact design. Ironwood met with residences abutting the site and responded to their concerns with substantial and highly ornamental buffering on both sides of the “fence” with a variety of native evergreens, flowering native trees and large understory shrubs. This response and illustration graphics for the site helped expedite the project thru the planning board approval process. Respecting the site’s proximity to the Lamprey River and the Shoreland Protection overlay, Ironwood worked with team members to mitigate stormwater impacts with a multi-tiered system of BMPs.

Two rainfall cisterns collect runoff from the roof for irrigation. Four biroretention rain gardens are filled with drifts of colorful native herbaceous plants and grasses. Stormwater also infiltrates through areas of both permeable asphalt and permeable concrete for parking areas and walkways. A large native meadow of grasses and wildflowers borders the roadway. Building entry plazas celebrate the Northern New England landscape.